Announcing Comment Flexibility for City Councils and Planning Commissions

We’re excited to announce expanded comment flexibility – now City Councils and Planning Commissions can set comment periods not only for each Meeting but also for individual items.

With this addition, People Speak now offers a number of opportunities for online community engagement for your public hearings:

  • Commenting periods by Meeting and now by Item

  • Comment periods before or after meetings

  • Live commenting periods during the meeting

  • Accept comments online or by phone

  • Includes support for residents to upload attachments

Increasing the flexibility of when and how residents can participate is proven to increase participation and representation and is more inclusive. 

To set a comment period for an individual item, set a value in the Comment Cutoff Time in Hours field, either on the Meeting or Item, to override the default setting on the Body. 

Contact us today to hear how our customers large and small are already using this new feature.


Announcing Projects for Community Engagement


Announcing Labels